Tuam Tshoj 4D 2IN1 HIFU + carving Chaw tsim tshuaj paus thiab tsum | Hondee

Zoo siab txais tos Yuav kom HONDEE

4D 2IN1 HIFU + carving

Luv hauj lwm:

Peb cov tshiab tseeb khoom 2 nyob rau hauv 1 4D kev zoo nkauj ntsuas (Radar kab carving + 4multi-line) yuav ua tau peb zoo meej los ntawm zawm daim tawv nqaij, tshem wrinkle, shaping lub cev. Lub siab heev tshaj plaws ib feem ntawm 2 nyob rau hauv 1 4D yog kev siv ntawm cov feem ntau tshaj ultrasonic zog.

khoom Nthuav dav

khoom cim npe

ntsuas Txheej txheem cej luam

Peb cov tshiab tseeb khoom 2 nyob rau hauv 1 4D kev zoo nkauj ntsuas (Radar kab carving + 4multi-line) yuav ua tau peb zoo meej los ntawm zawm daim tawv nqaij, tshem wrinkle, shaping lub cev. Lub siab heev tshaj plaws ib feem ntawm 2 nyob rau hauv 1 4D yog kev siv ntawm cov feem ntau tshaj ultrasonic lub zog, uas muaj peev xwm txeem sib sib zog nqus mus rau hauv lub SMAS txheej ntawm daim tawv nqaij, ua tam sim ntawd contraction ntawm collagen thiab stimulating collagen fiber network, yog li mus pab tau txoj daim tawv nqaij elasticity ntawm lub hauv qab txheej (nws tus kheej-kho mechanism yog kev ruaj ntseg). Qhov no yog tus tov thiab zoo tshaj plaws txoj kev uas yuav kho ntsej muag daim tawv nqaij laus thiab sagging nyob rau hauv txoj kev zoo nkauj kev lag luam. Nws yog ib tug ntoo khaub lig-era ntau zoo nkauj ntsuas tsis mob, so tomqab khomob, los ntshav. Nws yog tej yam yees siv tshem wrinkles thiab kev txhim kho miv nyuas siv zug tau raug lees paub los ntawm lub pov tsev nyob rau hauv txoj kev zoo nkauj industries, thiab yog lub npe hu ua txuj ci tseem ceeb ntawm tus hluas zog tuaj cov hluas!

ntsuas hauv paus ntsiab lus

With its unique high-energy focused ultrasound, ultrasonic focusing can directly reach the SMAS layer, promote the suspension of SMAS fascia, and comprehensively solve the sagging and relaxation problems of the face. It precisely locates the ultrasonic energy at the 4.5mm fascia layer under the skin, which play a role in the fascia layer to growth and pull the muscle to achieve the best effects of shaping body and tightening skin. It acts on the collagen layer of 3mm under the skin to rejuvenate the collagen and achieve anti-aging problems such as skin elasticity, whitening, wrinkle removal and pore reduction, at the same time, because the energy swept across the epidermis, don't need to be worry about epidermis to get hurt completely and can make the skin arrives the effect that pulls quickly, compact outline, fast smooth furrow!

Radar Carving yog siv neeg kho tshuab radar tsis zoo cov ntaub so ntswg allergic, meej hloov 65 mus rau 72 degrees ntawm thermal zog rau cov tawv nqaij SMAS txheej, 1.5 epidermis, 3.0 dermis, 4.5 fascia, 4.5 collagen (lwm ib qho), 13 muaj roj txheej, 8.0 shaping, khoom Thaum tshav kub kub coagulation ntsws tawv nqaij thiab tsim dua tshiab collagen. Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, Nws yuav siv tau los kho rog thiab lub hauv siab los ntawm melting cov roj txheej (tob 8mm ~ 13mm).

Ib tug ntau yam ntawm tshuaj hau zoo hnia fibroblasts phua tshiab hlwb nyob rau hauv 40 lub sij hawm ib ob, yaj lub ntsej muag roj hlwb, ceev daim tawv nqaij nkhaus, kho puas fibrous cov ntaub so ntswg, mus tsim kho collagen cell tsuaj, thiab sai sai cuag lub nyhuv ntawm nyias lub ntsej muag thiab kaw ntom nti Q- foob ​​pob. Nyob rau tib lub sij hawm, leej tso ntawm lub radar yoj yuav nquag qhia hais tias tus roj hlwb, thiab mus txog rau lub qhov tob ntawm lub hom phiaj los ntawm ib tug frictional kev kho mob ntawm cov cim kev sojntsuam, yog li ntawd tus neeg mob tsis hnov ​​mob.

Qhov sib txawv ntawm Radar carving thiab kab carving

Qhov sib txawv: Radar Carving yog muaj ntau ceev ceev, zoo zog, thiab niaj hnub ua hauj lwm, thiab vim li cas peb muab ib tug lifespan ntawm 60,000 rounds ib sojntsuam?

A: Vim hais tias txhua ultrasound tsom zog nti yuav muaj ib tug lifespan ntawm txog 60,000 rounds, yog tias ntau tshaj 60,000 rounds, lub zog ntawm kev sojntsuam yuav tsis muaj zog cov nyhuv thiab lub tshuab kev haumxeeb stability.

technology Advantage

1. Muaj ob hom kev 4D: ceev hom los sis qeeb hom.

2. 4D yuav siv tau rau 1 mus rau 12 kab nrog ib tug tshaj plaws zog cheeb tsam dav ntawm 11mm, thiab cov coj tsis muaj peev xwm yuav pauv tau raws li qhov luaj li cas ntawm daim tawv nqaij cheeb tsam, uas ua rau lub lag luam lub sij hawm yog heev zog, ua lub zog point los ntawm daim tawv nqaij yog ntau yam, thiab cov curative nyhuv yog zoo dua.

3. 4D siv cov advanced high-tech technology, nws yog txawm peem rau nrog ob tug kho taub hau raws li lub ntsej muag daim tawv nqaij mob, uas qhia meej muaj feem xyuam rau txawv depths ntawm daim tawv nqaij, thiab lub zog yog me ntsis ntau tshaj qhov epidermis thaum lub sij hawm kev kho mob, thiab 100% tsis muaj puas nyob rau tib lub sij hawm, ntawm qhov tob ntawm daim tawv nqaij kho los ntawm kev kho mob taub hau yog zoo ib yam nrog lub teeb tus nqi, kom ntseeg tau tus neeg muas zaub lub mob thiab nyiam.

4. Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd mus rau lub thermal ntxim rau dermal collagen thiab collagen fiber, nws kuj muaj thermal stimulation rau cov roj txheej thiab fascia txheej (SMAS), thiab cov kho nyhuv yog zoo tshaj li uas ntawm Thermage.

5. Lub lag luam yog yooj yim thiab yooj yim, tsis muaj yuav tsum tau rau consumables, zoo heev txo kev kho mob cov nqi.

6. Cov nyhuv ntawm zawm thiab shaping yuav pom tam sim ntawd tom qab kev kho mob, uas yuav kav yam tsawg kawg yog 18-24 lub hlis nyob rau ib lub sij hawm, thiab ua tau tsis zoo kev loj hlob rau daim tawv nqaij uas muaj hnub nyoog ib xyoos ib zaug.

7. Makeup tam sim ntawd tom qab kev kho mob tsis muaj feem xyuam ib txwm lub neej thiab ua hauj lwm.

8. Yog tob ntawm cov neeg kho tshuab radar tsis: lub zog sau tau nyob rau hauv lub sib sib zog nqus cov ntaub so ntswg thiab tsis muaj cov nyhuv rau ntawm qhov chaw daim tawv nqaij. Nyob rau hauv ib tes, nws muaj ib tug sib sib zog nqus nyhuv, rau lwm cov tes, nws zoo dua tiv thaiv tus nto daim tawv nqaij.

9. Radar Carving Tshuab nrog txoj kev ntawm muab tshuaj ntxuav thiab dov, cov qauv ntawm cov ywm lub zog nyob rau hauv cov kev kho mob cheeb tsam peev xwm ua tau zoo dua tau nyob rau hauv txhua cheeb tsam nrog uniform zog los ntawm kev siv txoj kev no, uas yog mob tsawg tshaj yav dhau los HIFU seev.

10. Radar Carving Tshuab yog ua los ntawm shortening lub zog emission luv, vim hais tias cov kev kho mob luv yog luv luv, nws yuav ua heev, thiab cov nyhuv yuav tau nyob rau hauv ib tug luv luv lub sij hawm.

11. Muab piv nrog rau thawj HIFU ntsuas, lub radar kab carving tshuab nrog ib tug tshiab kev sojntsuam rau ntau leej lag luam.

ntsuas Qhov


Kev Profile ntawm Kev Pab Kho Lub taub hau

Functional head of the face

Kev kho mob ntawm daim tawv nqaij qhov tob thiab miv nyuas siv zug

1.5mm Zog nce mus txog ncaj qha mus rau lub dermis txheej, ua rau lub fibrous cov ntaub so ntswg densely txheej txheem yuav ua rau daim tawv nqaij du thiab ilv.
3.0mm Zog ncaj qha mus rau ntawm daim tawv nqaij subcutaneous cov ntaub so ntswg accelerates cov kev ua ntawm tes, regenerating collagen rau nce daim tawv nqaij elasticity thiab ruaj daim tawv nqaij.
4.5mm Zog ncaj qha nce mus txog lub fascia txheej rau thermally coagulate lub fascia txheej, uas ua cov nyhuv ntawm zawm thiab lifting lub fascia txheej kom muab ncua tseg ntawm daim tawv nqaij, yog li ntawd daim tawv nqaij yuav tau zoo tuaj los ntawm sib sib zog nqus mus ntiav los pab txhawb lub subcutaneous qauv ntawm daim tawv nqaij, thiab zoo pab cov hauv qab txheej ntawm daim tawv nqaij los elasticity thiab tshem tawm cov wrinkle tsa lub ntsej muag daim tawv nqaij.

Muaj tag nrho 5 txheem probes.

Carving lub taub hau: 1.5mm , 3.0mm , 4.5mm ; 4D lub taub hau: 3.0mm , 4.5mm.

Remarked: 4D muaj lub cev probes ntawm 6.0 hli, 8.0mm, 10.0mm, 13.0mm thiab 16.0mm; Lub radar carving muaj probes ntawm 4.5mm, 8.0mm nyob rau hauv lub hauv siab thiab 13.0mm nyob rau hauv lub cev, nws yuav tsum choosed lub sib nug xov sojntsuam los kho lub cev qhov chaw raws li cov kev xav tau.


Thawj: Insert lub 4D kov kab mus rau hauv txoj cai socket ntawm lub tshuab thiab txhim kho lub screws;

Ob txhais: ntxig rau carving kov kab mus rau hauv rau sab laug socket ntawm lub tshuab; (Dlhos lub qhov thiab nruab ib lub kov)

Thirdly, ntxig rau cov hwj huam qaum rau hauv lub rov qab hwj chim socket thiab txuas lub hwj huam mov kab uas yog tsim rau cov voltage nyob rau hauv lub qub ua hauj lwm ntau yam ntawm lub twj paj nruag.

Lub installation ntawm 4D sojntsuam no yog muaj raws li nram no:


Lub installation ntawm Radar Carving sojntsuam no yog muaj raws li nram no:


interface Introduction

1. Pib-up

Thov xyuas seb kev twb kev txuas ntawm lub twj paj nruag yog ib txwm, hloov rau lub hwj chim ntawm lub twj paj nruag thiab nias lub hwj chim hloov ntawm tus tswv tsev, lub tshuab yuav pib li thiab cov khau raj interface tshwm raws li nram qab daim duab.


Tom qab txhaj rau cov khau raj interface, nws cia li nkag mus rau rau hauv cov kev ua hauj lwm interface raws li nram qab daim duab.


2. 4D haumxeeb kev taw qhia ntawm kev ua hauj lwm interface, ntau yam tsis yuav tau tom nyob rau hauv cov ua hauj lwm interface li nram qab no:


3.  Cov pab ntau yam ntawm 4D txhua sojntsuam thiab pom zoo khiav hauj lwm tsis :


4. Cov pab ntau yam ntawm Radar Carving txhua sojntsuam thiab pom zoo khiav hauj lwm tsis :


ntsuas Cov lus qhia

1. Ntxuav tau lub ntsej muag → Thov cov khoom gel tusyees mus rau lub cheeb tsam yuav tsum tau kho ua ntej lub twj paj nruag yog ua.

2. Ntsej muag: Ua ntej koj khiav lag luam cov 4.5mm sojntsuam, ces khiav lub 3.0mm sojntsuam (synchronized 4.5 sojntsuam ua txoj hauj lwm), thiab thaum kawg khiav lub 1.5mm sojntsuam. (Yog li ntawd, lub lag luam ntawm kev sojntsuam no yog los ntawm sib sib zog nqus mus ntiav).

3. Ua ntej lub lag luam ntawm lub twj paj nruag, hloov yuav tsum tau kho lub taub hau, thiab lub zog yog tom ntawm tsis rau siab rau cov neeg uas cov kev muaj peev xwm mas.

4. Ua hauj lwm zoo cov kauj ruam ntawm 4D ntsuas, ua hauj lwm rau txoj hauj lwm ntawm txoj kab (raws li qhia hauv qab no duab).

- 4D tag nrho ntawm lub ntsej muag lag luam: qhov tob ntawm txhua sojntsuam yog 200-250 rounds;

- Ces khiav lag luam cov neeg tuag ntawm cov ces kaum ntawm lub ntsej muag nrog Radar Carving (nasolabial), txhua sojntsuam ua hauj lwm txog 800-1000 rounds.


5. Ua hauj lwm zoo cov kauj ruam ntawm Radar Carving: Txoj hauj lwm ntawm sab plhu yog ua nyob rau hauv ib lub voj voog los ntawm lub hauv qab mus rau lub sab saum toj, thiab cov mandible yog los ntawm lub hauv qab mus rau lub sab saum toj, (Ua tsis khiav lub txoj hauj lwm ntawm tus pob txha), nasolabial yog ua nyob rau hauv ib lub voj voog los ntawm sab hauv mus rau sab nraum raws sab plhu ntawm Kua.

Ceeb toom: 1 thib ob ua hauj lwm txoj hauj lwm yog hais txog 5 hli, txav mus rau kev sojntsuam; Tsis txhob nyob twj ywm rau ntau tshaj li 2 vib nas this nyob rau tib lub ib feem nyob rau hauv lub lag luam lub sij hawm. (Tsis txhob muag cheeb tsam thaum lub sij hawm kev lag luam).

6. Tus kho lub taub hau yuav tsum tau khaws cia ncaj nraim rau ntawm daim tawv nqaij, thiab cov lag luam yov yuav tsum tau npaj zoo thaum lub sij hawm lub lag luam.

7. Thaum lub sij hawm lub lag luam, lub experiencer yuav tsum tau tas li nug txog cov kev nplij siab theem thiab cov kev hloov ntawm lub zog theem, thiaj li los xyuas kom meej tias cov experiencer yuav tau txais cov kev nyob rau hauv ib tug qab ntxiag xeev.

8. Ua intensive kev kho mob ntawm cov teeb meem kev kawm ntawv (2-3 lub sij hawm).

9. Thov kom paub tseeb tias daim tawv nqaij yog noo thaum lub sij hawm lub lag luam. Yog hais tias qhov nruab nrab yog qhuav thaum lub sij hawm kev lag luam, thov rov thov dua lub gel.

10. postoperative kho cov as-ham - cell cov zaub mov thiab collagen rau 1 mus rau 6 lub hlis tsis muaj kev cuam tshuam, tus nqi raws li cov tawv nqaij lwm.

11. Xws li: cov hniav los yog qhov chaw nyob ib ncig ntawm tus hniav, cog hniav, tej zaum yuav muaj ib tug txias toothache. Qhov no yuav ua tau los ntawm kev nqus cov yuav ua rau lub qhov ncauj su los yog wrapping cov hniav nrog gauze.

Ua hauj lwm cais tsam: Tsis txhob kab plaub hau, lub tuam tsev, ob lub qhov muag (eyeballs), Yintang, qhov ntswg, lub Upper di ncauj, lub puab tsaig, lub suab, aorta, thiab puj ntaws thiab lwm yam;

Cov thyroid cheeb tsam ib ncig ntawm lub caj dab yuav tsis tau ua; Thaum kho lub cev, lub qhov chaw ntawm lub qab haus huv thiab cov hlab ntsha dhau, thov tsis txhob ua hauj lwm.

Qhov chaw thiab Therapeutic Reference




Hwj chim



problematic daim tawv nqaij

mob tawv nqaij

tej tawv nqaij





05 ~ 25

3time / chav kawm ntawm kev kho mob

1 lub sij hawm / 2-3months

sensitive daim tawv nqaij





05 ~ 25

5times / chav kawm ntawm kev kho mob

A & Q qhov teeb meem

A: Yog vim li cas peb muab tso rau lub Radar Carving Tshuab ua ke nrog rau cov 12 kab ntawm HIFU?

Q: Vim hais tias 12 kab ntawm HIFU tsis tau ua nyob rau hauv ntau qhov chaw ntawm lub ntsej muag, nws yuav tau hais tias yog tsis muaj tuag ces kaum nrog lub lag luam ntawm radar kab carving tshuab, qhov mob yog txo, thiab cov nyhuv yog cuab kev ntau.

A: Yog muaj tej mob thaum ua Radar Carving kev kho mob?

Q: Lub cim sojntsuam txog radar carving yog frictional kev kho mob tsis muaj pain.Because lub zog ntawm cov radar tsis yog kis tau tob lawm hauv lub hom phiaj, yog hais tias tus lag luam ceev yog qeeb thiab tus neeg muas zaub xav tias mob tom qab nyob rau ib ntev lub sij hawm, cov neeg kawm ntawv ntawm mob mas nws txawv ntawm ib tug neeg mus rau lwm tus. Txawm li cas los, lub radar-sculpted cim sojntsuam kev sib txhuam kev kho mob tsis ua kom muaj mob.

A: puas tus neeg muas zaub xav ib tawg?

Q: Tsis muaj so. Cov neeg muas zaub tau rov pib dua kev ua ub no sai li sai tau.

A: Yuav ua li cas muaj ntau yam rounds yog nws coj, yog hais tias cia li siv lub Radar Carving Tshuab nyob ib leeg?

Q: Qhov no yog nyob rau qhov chaw uas yuav tsum tau nyob. Rau tag nrho lub ntsej muag kho mob, yuav tsum tau hais txog 2500-3000 rounds ntawm txhua qhov tob sojntsuam, nyob ntawm seb qhov loj ntawm tus neeg kho site los mus txiav txim tus naj npawb ntawm rounds. Txhua sojntsuam yog hais txog 3,000 rounds nyob rau hauv lub cev thiab hais txog 2,500 rounds nyob rau hauv lub hauv siab.

A: Thaum yuav tus neeg muas zaub saib tau? Yuav ua li cas ntev ua lawv lub xeem?

Q: Feem ntau cov neeg muaj peev xwm saib tau sai li sai tau tom qab qhov kev kho mob lawm. Txawm li cas los, nws mas nyob ntawm daim tawv nqaij elasticity ntawm tus neeg thiab lub rebuilding txheej txheem ntawm collagen. Feem ntau nws yuav kav rau 1-3 xyoos.

A: Yuav ua li cas feem ntau? Yuav ua li cas yog qhov tshuaj tiv thaiv?

Q: Nyob rau hauv thiaj li yuav muaj lub sij hawm ntev kho nyhuv, nws yog pom zoo kom koj khiav lag luam ib zaug txhua txhua 2-3 lub hlis. Nws yog tau mus pom ib tug me ntsis liab tom qab kev kho mob thiab nws yuav ploj mus nyob rau hauv ob peb teev.

A: Yuav ua li cas yog radar txhua yam tsis?

Q: Radar txhua yam yoj yog ib qho oscillating suab siab yoj uas nws zaus yog loj tshaj lub sab sauv txwv ntawm tib neeg hnov ​​range.Therefore, ultrasound yog hais txog 4-7 kHz (4-70,00 Hz) nyob rau hauv kev noj qab nyob cov tub ntxhais hluas. Ultrasonic khiav lag luam ntawm frequencies los ntawm 4-7 kHz mus rau ob peb gigahertz.


Ceev faj thiab Tu

1. After using the instrument each time, please wipe it with clean water, disinfect it with alcohol and keep it properly(Avoid scratching the black film of the probe).

2. Lub plug nrog grounding pin yuav tsum tau siv ua ntej yuav siv, thiab xyuas kom meej tias lub hwj chim lub qhov ntawm lub twj paj nruag yog tiag tiag grounded.

3. Please make sure that the voltage of instrument is adapted. If the local power supply voltage is unstable, we recommend that the user increase the power matching power supply.

4. In order to ensure the therapeutic effect and normal service life of the instrument, please use the specified accessories provided or recommended by the original manufacturer.

5. Do not place in a humid place or near a water source, and do not expose the instrument directly to the sun.

6. Do not place the instrument close to a strong heat source as this may affect the life of the instrument and its normal use.

8. To avoid poor contact during winter or dry weather, please apply the gel to the face evenly(the probe should be pressed flat).

9. Media such as water, oil shall not infiltrate into the inside of the instrument. It shall not be hit, knocked or slammed to avoid damage to the instrument.

10. After using the ultrasonic beauty instrument, please disinfect the probe with alcohol in time and disconnect the power supply.

Contraindication ntawm Ntsuas Cov neeg siv

The Patients with the following symptoms should be cautious in using the device. Please consult doctors or professionals before using the device. The details are as follows:

1. Before using the instrument, the skin of the physiotherapy part should be cleaned to prevent the dirt from entering the skin with ultrasonic waves or preventing the penetration of ultrasonic waves. Please remove all metal objects from your body before treatment to avoid unpredictable conditions and affect the efficacy.
2. It is better to use a certain viscosity of the medium, which is conducive to the better integration of ultrasound and skin, and to prevent the gap from causing reflection, which is not conducive to better transmission of sound energy.
3. Each treatment area should not be repeated too much, up to three times, to avoid skin redness and swelling.
4. The degree of heat of the probe does not represent the output of the ultrasonic power, the water liquid with a small concentration or drug should not be directly infiltrated, otherwise it may cause dry skin.
5. The probe should not be close to the eye or pass through the eyeballwhen using the instrument
6. The instrument should also be used with caution by patients who are ill unless the doctor's permission is obtained.
7. Patients with malignant tumors, hemophilia or severe bleeding
8. Patients with major diseases and who with skin diseases and infectious diseases should be used with caution.
9. Heart, brain, neck nerve center, spine, eyeball, bleeding, injection.
10. Pregnant women, severe heart disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and high blood pressure.
11. The treatment of Ultrasonic beauty instrument can only be performed after half a year of injection of hyaluronic acid.
12. After treatment, do not eat spicy food, and do not wash your face with superheated or supercooled water within a week. no hot yoga, sauna, steamed face and facial massage(Avoid squeezing the face), apply mask for hydration every day for a week, and pay attention to sun protection, what's more, do not use the RF and light instrument for treatment within a month.

Common Failures

1. Yog tsis muaj zaub rau tus ntsuas interface. Thov kos yog hais tias lub hwj chim plug yog tsis cob cog rua los yog lub hwj chim hloov yog muab rau.

2. Cov kev ntsuas yog ib txwm, tiam sis yog tsis muaj lub zog tso zis los yog nws yog ib txwm nyob rau lub tswb. Thov mus saib yog hais tias tus kov cable yog nrees kev cob cog rua rau tus tswv tsev los yog cov kev sojntsuam yog ntsia tau rau hauv qhov chaw.

ntsuas Tu

1. Tom qab siv lub twj paj nruag, thov ntxuav nws nrog haus dej haus cawv tua thiab kom nws zoo zoo.

2. Lub plug nrog grounding pin yuav tsum tau siv ua ntej yuav siv, thiab xyuas kom meej tias lub hwj chim lub qhov ntawm lub twj paj nruag yog tiag tiag grounded.

3. Please make sure that the voltage of instrument is adapted. If the local power supply voltage is unstable, we recommend that the user increase the power matching power supply.

4. In order to ensure the therapeutic effect and normal service life of the instrument, please use the specified accessories provided or recommended by the original manufacturer.

5. Do not place in a humid place or near a water source, and do not expose the instrument directly to the sun.

6. Do not place the instrument close to a strong heat source as this may alfect the life of the instrument and its normal use.

7. Please first remove all metal objects from your body to avoid unpredictable conditions and affect the efficacy.

8. In order to avoid contact failure, please pay atention to the skin contact with a certain degree of moisture, with water-based products or water to wipe it can achieve the desired effect

9. When not in use, please turn off the power switch of the instrument, and ensure that the total power of the instrument is turned off after use to ensure the safety of the electrical products.

10. Using instruments or training instrument operators in strict accordance with instructions in the use manual.

Kev Tsis thiab pob Loj

Khoom npe: 2 HAUV 1 4D 

Tswv yim voltage: AC110V - 220V        

Tso zis voltage: 10-200W

Fuse: 5A

Loj ntawm Cua box: 31 × 44 × 50cm

Nyhav: 11.2kg (Ua tsis muaj xws li hauv lub hauv paus)

Base loj: 73 × 51 × 17cm

Base yuag: 10kg

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus no thiab xa nws mus rau peb